Media Pack

Welcome to the Mercury CBD Magazine Media Pack! This comprehensive guide is designed to provide you with all the essential information you need to understand our online magazine, our audience, and the advertising opportunities we offer. By partnering with Mercury CBD Magazine, you can effectively promote your brand, products, or services to a targeted and engaged audience interested in CBD.

About Mercury CBD Magazine:

Mercury CBD Magazine is an authoritative online publication dedicated to providing the latest news, research, and information about CBD (cannabidiol). Our mission is to empower readers with knowledge, enabling them to make informed decisions about CBD and its impact on health and wellness. With a team of passionate writers, researchers, and CBD enthusiasts, we deliver high-quality, evidence-based content that resonates with our readers.

Audience Profile:

Our readership consists of individuals from diverse backgrounds who share a common interest in CBD and its potential benefits. Here’s a snapshot of our audience profile:


  • Gender: Predominantly male (55%) and female (45%)
  • Age: 25-54 years old, with the majority falling in the 30-44 age range
  • Location: Global readership with a strong presence in the United States, Europe, and Canada

Interests and Characteristics:

  • CBD Enthusiasts: Our audience comprises both CBD beginners and experienced users seeking reliable information, product recommendations, and industry insights.
  • Health and Wellness Seekers: Our readers are health-conscious individuals looking for natural solutions to enhance their well-being and manage various health conditions.
  • Researchers and Professionals: We attract professionals, researchers, and industry experts who are interested in staying updated with the latest advancements and trends in the CBD sector.

Advertising Options:

  1. Display Ads:
  • Banner Ads: Place visually appealing display ads strategically on our website to capture the attention of our readers.
  • Sidebar Ads: Promote your brand, products, or services with eye-catching advertisements placed alongside our content.
  1. Sponsored Content:
  • Articles: Publish sponsored articles or features that align with our editorial guidelines and seamlessly integrate with our existing content.
  • Product Spotlights: Showcase your CBD products through dedicated features highlighting their unique qualities and benefits.
  1. Product Reviews:
  • Have your CBD products reviewed by our experienced team. We provide unbiased and comprehensive reviews that resonate with our readers and help them make informed purchasing decisions.
  1. Newsletter Sponsorship:
  • Reach our engaged audience directly through our newsletter. Benefit from a dedicated email blast promoting your brand, products, or special offers.

Customized Advertising Solutions:

We understand that each brand has unique advertising goals and requirements. Our team is dedicated to creating tailored solutions to meet your specific needs. Whether you’re seeking short-term campaigns or long-term partnerships, we can customize advertising packages that maximize your brand exposure and deliver results.

Contact Us:

Ready to partner with Mercury CBD Magazine and reach our targeted CBD audience? Contact our advertising team today to discuss your advertising goals, available opportunities, pricing, and customization options.

We look forward to collaborating with you to create a successful CBD marketing campaign that effectively showcases your brand and connects with our passionate readership.

Thank you for considering Mercury CBD Magazine as your advertising partner. Let’s make a meaningful impact in the CBD industry together!

The Mercury CBD Magazine Advertising Team